Tom Glover Fenway oil
Erik Boettcher 1965 mixed media
Roger Allen photographs
Sarah Burns bead stack clay (yes it can be touched and played with !)
Sarah Burns Vases clay
Tom Glover Fenway oil
Our next exhibition has so many beautiful elements that it makes my head spin. Tom Glover has been working for a year on a series of paintings for us based on abstractions of the Fenway. You know, Green Monster, CVS sign, the striped infield/outfield, Bos-ton? Along side of this are Sarah Burn's gorgeous orbs, bead sculptures and vases which look simply plucked from the sea itself. If this wasn't enough, Erik Boettcher's work, which you know I just love, is hanging on the eQuinox wall along with Roger Allen's (from Vancouver) photographs. - (found him through poppytalk.) I am going to shower you with photos today and then break it down a little more in the coming days to give enough attention to detail for each artist.
Sarah Burns large bead sculptures clay
Show Details:
Opening Saturday September 15th from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. Do come by!
Through 10/31
A huge thanks to Ms. Anne Bryant on her glowing review of the exhibit, over at the Herald. I'm off today to meetings but see you tomorrow.