Heather Palmer, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
Her glass nests have been causing quite a stir...a few of these are left in the shop! Be swift, they are melting away....
Today is a joyous day! I get to leave now to pick up daughter Grace from college. She is finishing up her last final as I type and ready for a nice long winter break. We are looking forward to this time.
Oh! A couple people asked how to make the gumdrop trees - so here goes!
Just purchace a styrofoam cone and a box of toothpicks along with your favorite size gumdrops. We snapped the picks in half and poked them into the trees, spiraling up from the bottom to keep our fingers less sugary. Rainer made the stars on top radiating out from a single drop. After a day or two they toughen up a bit so are very sturdy. They can be kept from year to year in a shoebox in a very dry place. Don't ask what happens if they get "damp". Alternatively, you can pick off the dry gumdrops, eat them if you like that sort of thing ... (heh!) and keep the styrofoam bases from year to year. They work just fine.
Have a wonderful winter day in your part of the world!