This charming keepsake sketchbook features spaces to draw each day for one year. Visual journaling is vastly popular, and it's easy to see why—the practice of daily sketching allows budding artists to capture impressions that might otherwise pass them by, to see the evolution and rhythm of their thoughts and inspiration. Students, doodlers, aspiring and established artists will want to make this journal their constant companion, one they can then keep as a lasting record of their work and imagination.
There is also another book called The Designer's Notebook which is equally stunning:
This functional and imminently accessible notebook is the perfect place for graphic designers and creative types of all stripes to capture ideas, sketch out visuals, and develop projects. Straightforward questions walk users through the design process while still allowing plenty of room for imagination and creativity to run wild.Perfect for design students, aspirants, recent grads and current practitioners, the notebook is loaded with useful bells and whistles—including tracing paper, organizational stickers, and a removable ruler—as well as a handy resource section in back that provides essential facts, measurements, and frequently referenced charts.
Thanks Patti!