Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Love :: coming to artstream

One of two exhibitions which we are hosting in February: Love Stories
by photographer Alexandra Morrow. 10 couples who have been married more than 50 years.

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Will you be my valentine?

I just *love* Valentine's day. What is better than a holiday devoted to love? Nada. Forget all the "expectations" and who-ha. Just think LOVE. That in itself is candycoated, red, lacy and racy as well as all you need. In that vein each year I make valentines to sell, to share and to give away. Here is the beginning of the process. I just. can't. help. myself. This one and some others are over at my etsy. More to come there, here and in gallery shop too!

One special student ..

Just a quick little post about one of our lovely adult students - and yes, they are all lovely. Really. But Jill is one of the kindest and most ernest students here at artstream. Right now she has some of her work over at the lovely Lucy's Emporium. She comes up with some of the nicest ideas and always lends a kind word to everyone in class. Above is a shot I took of her last night and she has no idea she will appear here so maybe leave her some love at her brand new blog: finding my way.

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

New year, newness, new new new

one by heather smith jones
windy but holding by jen garrido
doily #85 by lisa solomon
The newness of the new year hasn't worn off for me yet. I can still endure another four weeks of the wintry weather, still sticking to my internal resolutions, continuing to be excited about the new ventures I am undertaking right now and excited to share more shots today of the newness exhibition with you here. We are finally back to normal after the pause and the storm so drop by to check this out yourself in person which really, by all means, is the best way to see this newness exhibition.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Snowy day

is the title of my favorite children's book by Ezra Jack Keats - and it is the state of today here in NH. The giant flakes are floating down and as harmless as they seem, the forecast calls for an icing of rain/sleet later so we are all closed down at artstream. Working from home has its advantages on a day like today. Endless green tea and snuggles on the couch with daughter Chloe for starters ... watching the sledders down the back hill (see above) yet another..

I did pop into artstream to check on things though and must say that the show "Newness" is still as fresh and wonderful as we left it. Do plan to drop by for a look or peruse these beautiful pieces online. They are a special mix of quiet beauty which would look wonderful in any space.
A couple of linkity links too for you today as there is some special goodness out there in the internets - check out these great photos - turned BOOK! - from dear Cally from callycreates. She has been busy during her convalescence and has made very good use of her time. South of France sounds so good right now, doesn't it (wistfully looking out the window at all that white ...)
Over at Poppytalk, Jan is at it again with the Winter Colo(u)rs Week! I love this each and every time she does this - it is over at flickr and super easy to play along with! I was so pleased she featured my "red" painting called Knowing 2 in her first day of the week. Thanks so much Jan!

Also!, there is Art 4 Heart going on down under during the devestation of floods ravishing the shores of Australia. Gallery artist Flossy-P has joined forces with other Aussie artists to help with the cause. Pop over there and make a bid. Get something GOOD and do some GOOD!

Locally - 3S is working hard at the Pepsi refreshes everything site to get some funding. Do good there by VOTING daily - go on, it's for NH's first Contemporary arts center. It doesn't get cooler than that!

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Hello 2011

Happy New Year to everyone! Our winter pause has come to a close and we have dusted off the shelves, restocked the paper supply, sharpened our colored pencils and have been basking in the glow of our screens already this morning. I hope that your holidays were wonderful and warm - and that this new year will bring joy to us all. Stay tuned for the upcoming show info and the new classes info!