Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

We are off!

So off we fly to Germany today... our bags are packed and ready for some fun. I hope the next weeks are wonderful to you all and that you check in from time to time to see some snaps from the other side of the pond.
Another lovely photo from Matthew Wyatt - all in the shop.

Senin, 28 Juli 2008

Rainer :: Part II :two birds

rainer :: two birds, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

So you asked for more of Rainer's work. Here are his two birds. We are leaving for Germany tomorrow for vacation so there is a lot to do today in preperation! I will be posting photos at my flickr and the occasional post here with what we see in Germany. What does this week hold for you?

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Rainer paints, Rainer draws

But we never see it. We unearthed a few hundred drawings and sumi ink works from Rainer's past. This is the family favorite. We will embarrass him now with this post... but don't you just love this?

Matthew Wyatt - new photos

Matt has been a friend of artstream since the beginning. As an emerging artist we have seen his work grow and flourish. As well, he has had work in the gallery three times now and this time, we are just bursting with excitement as the photos hit us in that "special spot". Nostaglia, home, quiet time. The one above is but one of 12 which are going into the shop today. This one also reminds me that it is almost time for vacation - yay!

We are going to Germany next week and visiting with Rainer's family and our friends and seeing a few blog friends as well - Kristina and Angie are definite but there are a few others I would love to meet up with as well. You know who you are... Happy Friday to you all.

Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

Sign sign everwhere a sign

the words say it all, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

We noticed the movie sign late on Saturday night and just had to take a photo.
Read it all together.
It could be the first lines of a novel. or something like that. A sign of humor. Do you think that the kids that put the letters up did this perhaps as a subtle joke?
hee hee hee.
Rain continues here, flooding everywhere, but we are keeping happy.
Hope the sun shines over your way....

Senin, 21 Juli 2008

Thirty dash 9

new necklaces, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
A lovely local NH artist from just down the road - Jennifer from Thirty dash 9 sent over a slew of new glass necklaces for our gallery. They are going up in the shop, but in the meantime, drop by and take a peek. Each one is printed in sepia tone with a different glass color on the front. Typewriters, scissors, flowers, birds, pencil sharpeners, knitting in progress. We love them! Here's to a wonderful week starting with a great Monday... what are your plans for the week?

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

Pigmentary Portraits: Opening night

Just a quick post to lead you to the photos of last night's opening. It was a great time and the show is so very much worth a road trip. Photos don't (per usual) do it justice, so just get on over here. Of course, if it's impossible, remember everything is up at the shop right here for sale. We will be taking the show down on Sept. 4th so all work will be shipped that week.

We had a nice turn out last night and a few first time meet ups for some of the guests - so a great time! Click through the photo above to see photos of the show, opening and dinner afterwards...
Thank you Lisa C and Lisa S for making the trip out East, it's been so much fun!

Kamis, 17 Juli 2008

Latest assignment

ocean view monotype print with india ink 2008 susan schwake

Sometimes I play Illustration Friday, less now than before, yes, I miss it some weeks. But life has been a little hectic. But I love the prompt, the "assignment" nature of Ms. Penelope's site. My latest assignment, prompt if you will, will be creating a painting, collage perhaps, for my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. The prompt is the short poem, translated from German, below. I already have an image in my head. Just have to get it to paper.

two are rowing a boat
one knows the stars
the other knows the storms
one will lead through the stars
one will lead through the storms
and at the end, the very end
the sea
in the recollection
will be blue.

Today we will be installing the exhibition - as Lisa and Lisa have landed... photos later.

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

Stacey Esslinger beautiful handbuilt ceramics

I thought I would post an in process photo of an in process piece of Stacey Esslinger's beautiful work. Here is a description of her work process below:

Using a variety of fabrics, textiles, and molds of knitting I texture a flat slab by pressing the fabric into the clay using a rolling pin. I then cut out patterns which I have developed by trial and error, and let the porcelain slab dry enough for handling. Using techniques similar to sewing the seams and darts are joined together creating a three dimensional form. The last step is to add rims, feet, handles, and spouts. The pieces dry slowly, are bisque fired, glazed, and then fired again. All my work is functional and food safe, and can safely be used in the microwave and dishwasher.

Off to put the gallery back into order - a new arrangement - and ready for installing the new show tomorrow with the lovely Lisa Solomon and Lisa Congdon!

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Bone black by Lisa Congdon

Ah today we sit amidst a sea of white, cleaning the final touches up and looking towards a brand new floor plan for the upcoming month.
Lots of fun decisions to make, new holes to drill into the pristine walls and shining up the glass to sparkle.
A new coat of paint does wonders, doesn't it? Click through the photo to see more of the exhibition.
All works will be online and available to purchase on Friday July 18th at 5 p.m.

Jumat, 11 Juli 2008

Lisa Solomon Cadmium

Lisa Solomon Cadmium, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Happy Friday all! Beautiful weather has shown up in the last few days and the humidity has calmed down to a normal perfect New England sort of summer season. We are bursting at the seams with surprises in boxes and crates...
Another sneak peek at the upcoming show -- opening next Friday at our "fresh paint" gallery.  Lots of beauty in boxes waiting to be opened and unfurled!
Click through the photo to view more from the series!

Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

painting - the gallery.

painting - the gallery., originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

A huge chore, worthwhile, yet a huge space to whiten up!
Click through to see notes on the photo. Our intern has been doing the lion's share of the actual brush and stroke bit. Me? Worrying about the details.
At least today is one of the most perfect stellar dry air, sunshine, summer days we dream of in February!
prost to everyone ... it's IPA time.

Rabu, 09 Juli 2008

Jen Khoshbin

We have had these beautiful Deerhead Projects at our gallery for about a month now and finally, have placed them into the shop. Earlier this week Grace at design*sponge showed Jen's other work which is equally beautiful.
Her work is so beautiful, modern and full of a twist of nature, don't you think?
We are still very busy painting the gallery - shots of that later!

Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Verdigris - Lisa Congdon

verdigris, originally uploaded by Bird in the Hand.

A quick little post to show one of the works Lisa Congdon is shipping out from San Francisco for the upcoming show: Pigmentary Portraits with Lisa Solomon. Later - a peek at one of Lisa Solomon's beautiful works.
Pigmentary Portraits at artstream
Opening with the lovely Lisa C and Lisa S on
July 18th from 5-8 p.m.
Stop by and say hello!

Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Beach pong

beach pong, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Good morning friends ... what a lovely weekend here! Hope yours was too. Starting off the week with an assignment from Miss Stacey's Summer School. The assignment was "a place I love to be". Well, that is the ocean for sure and there were so many gangly boys playing pong on the seaside that I decided to paint one of them.
Part of a summer series of tiny artworks/sketches even, over at my etsy shop for $15.
Off to paint the gallery now. Big week ahead here! What do you have in store this lovely summer day?

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

Happy 4th!

closer look, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Explosion of color (and white) in the garden this weekend...
Off to the beach here, what are you up to this weekend?
Happiness all around!

Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

Sun Stroke

Sun Stroke, originally uploaded by & rebecca.

A beautiful email today dropped into my box from the emerging artist Rebecca Volynsky. Here is her mixed media piece called "Sun Stroke". Click through it to see more images of her work. She also has a nice little blog called silhouettes and an etsy shop by the same name. Rebecca hails from Providence RI and she is going to attend Boston University in the fall - (yes, she just graduated from High School!) I would say that this is one woman to watch.
Thanks Rebecca!

Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

Lisa Congdon + Lisa Solomon (on deck)

Lisa Congdon designed the announcement card above - so beautiful!
We are thrilled to share with you a sneak peek of our next exhibition: Pigmentary Portraits with Lisa Solomon and Lisa Congdon from the Bay Area. You are all invited and we really hope to see you at the gallery on July 18th from 5-8 p.m. This is going to be a wonderful exhibit and we are so happy that they BOTH are coming out to attend the opening.
Here are their own words surrounding the exhibition:For their joint exhibition artstream in Rochester, NH, Bay Area artists Lisa Congdon and Lisa Solomon are exploring a selected palette.

In their own ways they will research and investigate the historical origins of Indigo and Cobalt blue, Indian and Ochre yellow, Verdigris and Malachite green, Vermillion and Alizarin red, Cadmium and Realgar orange, Tyrian and Mars Violet purple, Gofun Shirayuki white, and Ivory/Bone black.

Their hope is to create a portrait of each pigment - through which they may somehow reconnect with the alchemy of colors' past.

Firm believers in the idea that one's materials can only enhance and contextualize one's work, both are interested in exploring where these pigments come from and how to present their findings in a visually rich language.