Jumat, 30 Januari 2009


an egg tempra painting "two" 12x16 inches 2006
This is a repost from May 06. This week I had thought about this poem I had written so long ago. Today I decided I had to search my archives to find it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with plenty of quiet..

soft breath leaves no traces
on the window
at the station.

where the tracks had led
through inky holes.

snake like paths
bend, twist
right, then left, then right again.

trees flick past one, two, three, ten
faster and faster until they blend into

the smoky chalk buildings holding
bronze reflections of the motion
flying past.

exhale. the window fogs gently.
shapes push past one another, moving with
the rhythm of the tracks.

a divide in the masses.
a small black and white form
a face, a hand, a smile,

Susan Schwake

Mid-Winter Thaw at artstream ...

Some beauty is coming our way this next month here at artstream, with four women artists - three from NH: Caitlyn Cedarstrom, Denise Jansson, Lisa Occhipinti and glass artist from San Fransisco:Heather Palmer from Feb 6 - Mar 30, 2009! I will let the photos do the talking for now, more to come in the next days -- Don't forget to join us next Friday - -- 5-8 p.m. for opening festivities.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

Winter blooms

winter blooms, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

It's snowing like mad here today and so I got a little painting time of my own in. This is one of my latest pieces which will be included in a solo show at the Kimball Jenkins show this summer.
Ah summer, just the word sounds good!

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

Garbage :: French lighting company

I saw these charming recycled tea kettles over at Ullabenula's blog and had to share. We have been wrapping up our kitchen rennos and our thoughts turn to lighting and the table so I have been on the prowl for something wonderful and unique. Not sure that this fits our modern taste but I sure am drawn to it on so many levels. Garbage has a lovely website to check out for purchases... Tea anyone?

Senin, 26 Januari 2009

artstreamstudios art classes

bella, inside our gallery classrooms making a mountain
Hello all! Happy Monday!
I thought I would just do a few installments of what is going on in our classes here at artstream. Each Monday I have hosted for 13 years now, homeschooling art classes. My teen classes are creating some magnificent sculptures a la Megan Bogonovich style. So cool. They have all been inspired by the fabulous porcelain and ceramic sculptures which have been part of our To Rome to Roam exhibit. I thought hmmmm, why not? Why not indeed! The teens and some of the other 'tween classes have been making magnificent mountains out of mole hills of clay. When they are finished I will be sure to post the end results here. Until now - a little "in process" piece by 14 yr old Bella.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

Heather Palmer's new glass work

Heather Palmer, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

So excited to finally see Heather Palmer's new work! She is sharing this with us in our "MidWinter Thaw" show coming in February. These are tiny glass bowls stacked and simply beautiful. There are a few other surprises to unfold with this exhibition on Februray 6, so stay tuned!

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

Brevity :: new jewelry at artstream

Anna from Brevity just shipped our first installment of her necklaces to us last week. I am thrilled to show them to you here and we are very happy to have them in the shop. I love the clean simple look of the bubble necklaces and the elegance of the leaf shaped necklaces too! Fun and affordable as gifts for someone else or why not yourself?

Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

Shoes of Rochester Project

Shoe Project, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios. Click to enlarge and read more...

Here is a little blurb interview NH Magazine did with me about our local - Rochester, NH literary and visual artist's group. We are embarking on a huge project which involves our members - both poets and visual artists to create 10 sculptural larger than life shoes - all different - for a summer public art project. Why shoes you ask? Rochester was a base for four different shoe manufactures including Zodiac, who made the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders boots! The history is full of interesting anecdotes as well as some deep roots for many of the cities residents. Our poet laureate Andrew Perieale is creating an oral history based on the stories he is gathering during the winter to present at our unveiling in June. It's a pretty deep project, including a shoe workshop with school age children to create many little sculptures for the celebration as well.

Sculptor Adam Pearson is creating the sculptures with members and each team of artist/poet will create unique pieces and corresponding poems, which will be placed around the city as a walking tour.

We have to raise $20,000 for the project but I am happy to report we are more than half way there! It's cool to know that all the artists will be paid well for their work and we will be giving $5000 in scholarships to our local high school for exiting seniors who are perusing literary or visual art degrees!

Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Blue Skies

Nothing but Blue Skies today! That's enough for me. See you tomorrow....

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

Abby Glassenberg :: Crab !

Oh it snows and snows and snows here... what a surpirse- right? It's winter. But this adorable crab by Abby Glassenberg makes me think of the seaside and summer dreams of Linkthe ocean. The crab is available in our shop now - it's one of a kind!

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Pale :: Illustration Friday

Due to the frigid temps here this morning in NH (why again is it that we live here? please, remind me!?) pale is the color of everything and everyone around today. -15F is seriously cold! Pale is the IF prompt too, so I am playing along with this little ink drawing called Timmy. I often see dog owners out in this weather and just shiver! The cold cold cold has made my colors fade to black and white ... which describes the mood of the characters - pale, cold and stark, I think.
Happy weekend all - and stay warm!

Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

Ana Ventura :: new silk screen print!

OOoh this is so sweet I could just cry! I love Ana's work, and this piece really speaks to me. Get it here now - it will be gone fast.

Maarten De Ceulaer

Stumbled upon this wonderful young designer Maarten De Ceulaer. I totally love the fact that he can create something slick(the lighting fixtures) and something more organic (the cases) at the same time. A lot of fun in both instances and still very useful and personal too. I think that the storage idea of the cases and the individual arrangements one can make with them is sheer brilliance, not to mention the colors. Sigh!

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Artist Interview :: Andrew Periale

A quick little interview with our fair city's Poet Laureate: Andrew Periale. It's so nice to have one as prolific and as witty as the multi talented Andrew. Hope you enjoy this!

Andrew Periale
performer-playwright-polyglot-poet laureate of Rochester!

Earliest memories of your art?

I have been writing poetry, playing music and doing theatre since high school.

I was 8 or 9 years old when I started doing something I called “paper
surgery”–portraits collaged from a variety of magazine photos. My
mother found them quite disturbing, which is ironic considering she
later came to adore the work of Romare Bearden, and now works
primarily in collage. I like to think I was one of her early

What is the role of art in the world?

Art has so many roles in the world. One of my favorite is social
activism–speaking Truth to Power, or even just speaking Beauty to

Where do you do your art?

I create theatre wherever a company engages me–Boston, Philadelphia,
or in our Strafford studio where I work with my wife and partner,
Bonnie. I write poetry wherever I can wield a pen or plug in a
laptop–most frequently at cafes: Adelle’s (Dover), BNG (Durham and

– My excellent high school drama teacher.
– Theater artist Philippe Genty (with whom I studied in France)
– Director Robert Smythe, with whom I’ve collaborated as playwright
on several projects
– Peter Schumann (Bread and Puppet Theatre), who has shown me what it
means to be principled and courageous in the work.

Good advice for fledgling artists?

Marry someone who believes in your work, and who has money and health benefits.

Favorite desserts?

a fine stinky cheese, with espresso and a shot of grappa

Favorite artists? So many. Among my current faves: Amanda Palmer
(writes and performs with The Dresden Dolls), Wislawa Szymborska
(Polish poet, Nobel laureate), and Bonnie Periale (a fabulous and
underappreciated painter, dancer, puppeteer).

and now a poem from Andrew:


Kill crazy, said his captain, still,
if he’s game for another hitch in ‘Nam,
make sure his will is up to date.
Thrill junky, trigger monkey,
he relished the drill–Van Gogh the dead,
string unhearing pearls on silken thread.
Man, he looks like a million bucks
necklaced like a grim Marc Anthony
who’s finally got the Romans’ ears.

A third tour was denied—gilding the lily,
his captain said. He ended at his parents’ home,
chilling in the La-Z-Boy until the beer ran out,
then would patrol the back porch, light a joint
and fire his submachine gun at the moon.

Artscope Magazine :: to Rome to Roam...

yea! on the cover too!

Huge thanks to the incredible Rick Agran for writing not only a glowing review of our current exhibit, but a wonderfully literate piece as well. Pick up a copy of Artscope magazine to see for yourself. We are hoping it will be online soon too!

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Contained :: Illustration Friday

Oh it's been ages since I played along at Illustration Friday - so here goes with a new ink drawing. The word prompt is "contained" -- Phillipe contained all the available wine ...
Huge thanks to Penguin and Fish who posted about my ink drawings and some of my paintings right over here at her blog. Check her out -- her little plush kitties are so sweet! Happy Friday all - see you on the other side of the weekend.

Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Kiosk :: Your slice of the Pie

Heaven knows that pie is a well loved item in our pantry here at home. Kiosk, one of my favorite browses for giggles and goods has found a simply beautiful, useful and yes folks, a tad scary (think big outboard motor engine) pie cutter. Why do I need this? No idea. It's just that everyone thinks they want a "sliver" or "just a tad" of pie when in actuality they eat a whole darn slice - eventually. I figure with this device, I just serve up a perfectly sized regular piece and my job's done. And this baby looks pretty sculptural too,(think upside down on a shelf) so of course, it caught my eye.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Blue Bell Bazaar -- Strike!

The image alone is a total hit with me - but these Ten Pins would be fabulous on a shelf somewhere close to my workspace I think. Available at the Bluebell Bazaar!

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Page One

Page One, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

The New Year begins... and here is one for the year 2009.
A year of change and hope.
yeesssssssssssssssssss !

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

New Year's greetings...

tea and chocolate, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

wishing you a sweet and tranquil new year
complete with all the hope, love and change you can take in.