Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Goodbye February

It's a "wintry-mix" out there today so they say, but that doesn't stop my enjoying the last day of this glorious month. Sure we have to go a little slower on the roads - but there is something simply beautiful about all this white.
We had a beautiful weekend with both of our daughters and ventured out to Boston on Saturday to get a tour of the MFA program at Emerson college. It was spectacular and I am secretly hoping that daughter Grace is accepted there for her creative writing studies. They have a wonderful publishing program too, which she is interested in as well. In the gallery we are gearing up for another exhibition: "Come Spring" with works from Chris Volpe - local lush landscape painter and Molly Bosley - RI artist whose papercuts, drawings, embroidery work and collage has graced our walls and this time around will be filled with very affordable multiple layer papercuts. Pretty exciting! To top off this exhibition we will be showing Leigh Pennebaker's wire sculptures. Stay tuned for more peeks from the show (See above!)

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

In the studio ...

Renee workin it, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Everyone in our clay class has been working so hard to make their human inspired busts. Renee tackled the quest with a mini-coil construction and well it's almost done! Pretty sweet stuff. When they are all complete I will try and photograph them for show and tell!

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Stephanie Levy and Florian Wagner

Happy Monday! It's snowing again... oh joy. rapture and bliss ... oh well! At least the sun is shining inside artstream with these sunny yellows and greens. It really is fun to see these partner's works side by side - or in some cases directly together in the same works.
In It Takes Two (2), for those of you who haven't been able yet to stop by Stephanie Levy and her husband Florian Wagner have created singularly beautiful pieces alone - but when placed side by side, there is a remarkable relationship. I hope that these images bring a little bit of spring into your day!

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011


I never blog too much about clothing or shoes, but while heading over to Zappos today for a little look, I found these sneakers. I love them. Bonus! Made by Dansko. FIT! I had been planning to buy a pair of Toms for the summer, but these are going to be in the running I am sure. Just something about red sneakers which make me gasp.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Thoughts of Spring

Good morning! We are still a frozen tundra like existence here at chez artstream, but it doesn't mean that we can't dream! Here is a vision to send you warming thoughts of a time not too far away, yet seemingly out of grasp in mid-February! Upcoming exhibitor, Chris Volpe's oil painting which welcomes spring in my heart: Clear Days

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Making fused plastic bags into fabric ... a tutorial link

A very long time ago an old friend Kate Sweater, was featured in CRAFT magazine showing how she fused old plastic bags into fabric to make into a whole lotta fun, water resistant bags, dresses, and what not! Etsy posted their tutorial on their old blog and I thought I would pass it on here. After all, winter vacation is coming up and this my friends would be a fun time with the kids during the break! So hop over here to this link and get your plastic bag green recycling on.

Gocco morning

Woke up it was a gocco morning and the first thing that I saw ... was the sun through the studio window and the brown ink. What did you do first thing this morning?

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

DJ Berger's book (oops! i have one, don't you?)

Ullabenulla's valentine!

It's always nice to celebrate love, everything red and pink and chocolate - but it's also wonderful to get something handmade for Valentine's Day. My favorite gifts from years past are handmade by my family. Cards and artwork , breakfast in bed (scored that this weekend!) and a variety of lovely (homemade) jewelry pieces and CDs which I hold very dear. I decided to feature some beautiful h things which I would love to give and get today (or any day!) for that matter...
Here's to a year filled with love to you all!

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011


A shallow bowl with an octopus! White stoneware, non food use. In the gallery! $35

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Why we live in New Hampshire

Some days deep into February one gets a little put out with endless snow, treacherous ice, and bitter cold. But then, when you least expect it, a beautiful morning wipes it all away. This was such a morning. And then you remember why you live here.

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

New Earrings coming into the shop ...

Pretty new pretties going into our shop later today - just a peek here! Brrr it's cold outside!

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

At the opening of It Takes Two (2)

Even though there was snow and ice, wet and slippery roads and walkways, we enjoyed a great opening with most of the artists and guests! Here are a few shots from the evening. Note the artists wearing their hearts and a few of the couples from Love Stories wearing their couple hearts too! A heartfelt thanks to all!

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Preview of It Takes Two (2)

Adam Pearson

Stephanie Levy
Susan Schwake
Daisy Adams
Florian Wagner

and there is more ... much much more....

A busy week!

Rainer's painting of us in Koeln at the Dom for it takes two (2)
Hello! Oops! This week has slipped by without a post - not my normal mode, but so many exceptional things happened this week. First, there was a deadline. It was met and not with a crazed feeling, but more of a completed good feeling.
Then there were snowstorms.
And beautiful daughters winning gold keys for their artwork.
And painting or six to finish.
And classes to teach.
And photos to take. And artwork to encourage along ... and hanging of our new show - more peeks on that around noon