Rabu, 28 November 2007


The lovely Cally and Gretchen have tagged me to explain five oddities about moi.
Well, that is simple. SO many to choose from!
First I will explain the photo above. It's a tag. heh.
I have been making holiday tags for my personal HANDMADE gifts and perhaps a few to sell in December at the shop. Let me know if you are interested. They are shiny on the front and the back has room for writing that special note with a pencil or sharpie.
1. I love to stay up late, but also enjoy the early hours of the morning to create and to work.
2. Hence, I love naps.
3. I do not like to shop. at. all. for. anything. ever.
4. I would prefer to have dinner at home cooked by my husband than at 99.9% restaurants. (Pepperland, excluded)
5. I am hair phobic. Let's just say that I don't have a clue which way to turn any kind of curling or straightening iron. I leave it up to my 13 yr. old when things get tough. Perhaps I am just having a bad hair YEAR.
Well, that is more than enough. As it is the holidays I won't spring eternal on tagging others, but would ask you all to leave a comment with one oddity of your own below, if you feel the urge.