Jumat, 28 Desember 2007

hot chocolate time

hot chocolate time, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

yeah, it's Friday. Hard to know isn't it?
This is just a little post to show my favorite purchase of 2007. At a local thrift store in town I found this little four cup beauty. As we use a coffee press, I designated it to the hot chocolate duty.
It is perfect. Four cups for $5. What a steal. Is everyone enjoying time away? What are you doing?
We had some nice company at the gallery today. Teeni and her husband popped by for a look and went home with some lovely pieces. What a good eye she has! (and really nice person to boot)
Enjoying the snow here with beautiful morning skies and a little extra napping time each day. Very splendid indeed. Enjoy your weekend and start thinking about your Lovely Hearts pieces. Here is a local article on the show last year. Posting the skinny on this year's exhibition on Monday here. Until then, have a wonder filled weekend!