Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

Darryl Berger -

okok i wont go out to far, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios. $200

ok ok i won't go out too far... I love the names of Darryl's paintings almost as much as the paintings themselves. OK, that's not true. His handling of the paint and surface texture is wonderful. This is one beautiful painting which will open with the others on Friday.
A note from Darryl's statement:
I paint misguided fables – those imagined (and remembered) dreamscapes of childhood, where icons of fun get twisted around with the glamour and dread of all things unknown, and the extraordinary just wanders in. The meanings of these self-imposed stories are mostly fleeting or fantastical or misunderstood. Naturally, in a realm where the perspective is confused (or just distorted by so much looking up), letters and words become physical things to be wondered at, the horizon appears limitless, and animals seem supercharged with magic.

Beauty - non? Check them out in the shop later in the week. Until then you can visit Darryls blog or our flickr account over on the sidebar. He is also a fab writer and maker of tiny books. I will show that later on...