Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Peony and Parsley

peony and parsley, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Today the white/pink/peach dandies opened up fully and well, my parsley shot through the bolt with some pretty leggy stalks. These two had to pair up for a seat at the table for dinner tonight. Our bare bones walls in the background are almost ready for paint and the wall papered wall (yes, I am going to do one focal wall in a pattern) ...
This pair really spruced up the sub-floor, the 15 year old lace table cloth from Mexico and the repainted (old silver over sage over who remembers what?) side of the road find chairs which adorn our torn to bits kitchen.
Yes, peonies have a way of making the dreariest of renovations seem miles away. And what do you think of that parsley? It's still a garnish, but a bit elevated, don't you think?
I like this evening light, the mix and well, life on a Tuesday... hoping this finds you in an equally satisfied mood!