Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

Stacey Esslinger beautiful handbuilt ceramics

I thought I would post an in process photo of an in process piece of Stacey Esslinger's beautiful work. Here is a description of her work process below:

Using a variety of fabrics, textiles, and molds of knitting I texture a flat slab by pressing the fabric into the clay using a rolling pin. I then cut out patterns which I have developed by trial and error, and let the porcelain slab dry enough for handling. Using techniques similar to sewing the seams and darts are joined together creating a three dimensional form. The last step is to add rims, feet, handles, and spouts. The pieces dry slowly, are bisque fired, glazed, and then fired again. All my work is functional and food safe, and can safely be used in the microwave and dishwasher.

Off to put the gallery back into order - a new arrangement - and ready for installing the new show tomorrow with the lovely Lisa Solomon and Lisa Congdon!