Sabtu, 06 September 2008

Affirmations :: opening!

Abigail and company!, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Here is the one really good shot I got last night at the opening of Affirmations. I was so busy with details, that the camera lay waiting without me on the desk! We had a flurry of sales prior to the opening, and everyone who came in felt UPLIFTED ... which was so very nice.
An actual affirmation of the joy which these four artists prepared. So all in all, a lovely show. The photo above shows Abigail from Theodesigns with her sister and cousin - but her lovely mother hopped out of the shot -- too bad! They are a lovely bunch. Lots of nice support online and from visitors today on the show. Thank you all!
Still wrangling the pre show and post show (oh yes, there is the camera...) photos, but will post them tomorrow or Monday.
Tonight? R and I are off to a fun party which hopefully, we will have some "photo shenanigans" to show.