Selasa, 18 November 2008

Handmade Hellos: Eunice and Sabrina Moyle

Chronicle Books sent over a copy of Handmade Hellos: Fresh Greeting Card Projects from First -Rate Crafters. I have to say that the 25 projects in the book are really wonderful, well thought out and easy for most people to achieve. I am not always a "project book person" so this is saying a lot! There are great ideas which you could easily adapt for working with children or adults who might be shy with arts and crafts projects. Basic information on use of Gocco machines, stencils, hand binding and stencils are just some of the little gems found inside this book. There are patterns as well as plenty of illustrations and photos to keep you on track if you are unfamiliar with some of the processes shown. It's obvious to me that Eunice and Sabrina not only have great style, but chose really great people to create projects to fill out these pages. Great job!
It's available here at Chronicle.