Senin, 26 Januari 2009

artstreamstudios art classes

bella, inside our gallery classrooms making a mountain
Hello all! Happy Monday!
I thought I would just do a few installments of what is going on in our classes here at artstream. Each Monday I have hosted for 13 years now, homeschooling art classes. My teen classes are creating some magnificent sculptures a la Megan Bogonovich style. So cool. They have all been inspired by the fabulous porcelain and ceramic sculptures which have been part of our To Rome to Roam exhibit. I thought hmmmm, why not? Why not indeed! The teens and some of the other 'tween classes have been making magnificent mountains out of mole hills of clay. When they are finished I will be sure to post the end results here. Until now - a little "in process" piece by 14 yr old Bella.