Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Summertime fun

A simple hello from the road. Wifi service on the way to the airport really has been great here to catch up from last week's time at Cape Cod. No posts, just sunny beaches.
We enjoyed a lovely party on Saturday night for my birthday. It was thrown by Mary-Jo who had pulled out all the stops for me ... Photos are of course on my camera at home. No bulky nikon on this trip. I am going for light and easy. The photos should still be forthcoming in normal fashion, just less quality!

And so, we are off now to Madrid and then to Dusseldorf for our time alone and with family. Stopping down to Baden-Baden for some spa time and more importantly a visit with Angela from omondieu! Will post photos at flckr as we go and try and keep up with some nice hot design and art spots from the road. Checking in here with those and highlights from shows at artstream and my own at Kimball Jenkins - Dreaming Seasons.

How are you going to spend the next weeks? I hope it is wonderful wherever you are!