Jumat, 25 September 2009

Barbara Hoke :: artist interview

Another artist from the Vision of Squam show... Barbara Hoke. I am so taken with her jewelry and the beautiful quilt that she is standing in front of in the photos below. Thanks for taking part in both the show and the interview Barbara!

What is your earliest memory of art-making?

I remember drawing and painting pictures of animals in kindergarden and the teacher chose my picture of three cats to be in a downtown store window with other school art.  I was astounded to see my work in that store window!

What is your medium of choice?

I've worked in metals (usually jewelry) for years.  But I've taken classes in wood (rustic furniture making and marionette carving), in clay (mostly figurative), and textiles (art quilting).

What are your greatest inspirations?

My family (my son and husband are both musicians), nature (I live near beautiful Lake Champlain in Vermont), and travel, especially the folk art of Mexico.

What is playing in rotation?

Snatum Kaur, Anais Mitchell, Jonatha Brooke, Michael Franti, Iron and Wine, and the Decemberists.

What does a good art-making day look like to you?

Breakfast with my family, then to my studio, where everything that I envision flows easily(!)  Then late afternoon, go out into the world, hopefully moving my body -balancing out the stillness of working in my studio.

Favorite artists, living and dead?

Hundertwasser, Klimt, Roxanne Swentzell, Maira Kalman, and Cami Davis.

Greatest advice given to you which you would like to pass along?

What comes to mind is something I read on Judy Wise's blog which her husband said,  "It is a terrible loss if we only let others sing for us, make music for us, paint for us, write for us."  I try to remember this as I try a new medium or technique.  And I sing with a group of friends every Sunday morning!

Thanks Barbara for taking part in the interviews from Vision of Squam!