Sabtu, 15 September 2007

enormous tiny artshow II

susan schwake (on r), originally uploaded by nahcotta gallery.

it was fun fun fun at nahcotta last night. nonstop artists and folks flying about the gallery. thanks deb for inviting me and well, it was so nice to enjoy another gallery opening there. i was so thrilled with the installation of my work too. no small feat to hang that much art work and have it look so very good. adam pearson who helps me hang each and every show was there too with wife Heather. his only words to me were Don't get any ideas!
lovely time! sadly, i was so busy before we left i left my camera at home. i will go back and shoot some photos later. luckily someone snapped a photo of lisa dejohn and i. it was a bonus to see lisa again!
and to meet jenn from swallowfield, leah piken and view all the beautiful work. we took a few hours more in portsmouth to visit three graces and see kim again along with some friends work there and hop over to the new contemporary gallery elio.
off to our opening now at artstream - do drop by if you are in town.