Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

Friday fun

distance by maureen clancy over at swampgirl
Fridays are always fun for me, with family plans, weekend hopes and dreams. Today is filled with meeting friends and an opening tonight at another gallery with a few of my pieces... and lots of friends work too.
This week I received an old photo from one of my daughter's friends which reminded me of how living beautifully was apparent even 10 years ago. When daughter Grace was in elementary school she was in the jump rope club. For me, jumping rope is one of the most simple, beautiful forms of exercise. No fancy gear or props. Nothing special to prepare for. Just do it and enjoy. The photo also reminds me of that fearless time in a girl's life before restrictions are imposed
by self or peers or puberty. Such fearless times. In this photo - daughter Grace found beauty in her rope as well, fashioning it into a "belt". We all had a chuckle over that little detail when this photo surfaced. Living beautifully this week has included more reminiscing, but looking ahead as well. Two of three days were spent fully making two paintings, and that for me is living very fully and beautifully. I must add, much of their inspiration was drawn by the beautiful painting above by Maureen Clancy. When they are closer to being finished I will show and tell ...Here's to a simply wonderful weekend for all of you... and do tell... how did you live beautifully this week?